Hey guys! It’s good to be back. I’m not gonna lie. It’s been a bit difficult these past several weeks. I was in a horrendous BOOK SLUMP. My personal life has been a tad stressful. I’ve fallen way behind in my planners and journals. (Totally fell off the wagon.) There was a bunch of cleaning up to do for the blog. And yeah… It’s great to be back!
I’ve been in a serious book slump, but I think I’m finally getting over that. I recently finished The Wishing Spell (The Land of Stories #1) by Chris Colfer. I’m currently reading Furies of Calderon (Codex Alera #1) by Jim Butcher. I’ve also been contemplating trying out Audible. If anyone has experience with it, I’d love to hear your thoughts!
The only bright side about being in a huge book slump was that I got to watch a couple of movies!! I actually watched two movies based on books. Ready Player One was a fantastic movie as long as you don’t compare it to the book. You can’t go wrong with a Steven Spielberg movie after all. A Wrinkle in Time was also a wonderful movie, but don’t ask me to compare it to the book. I was little kid when I read it, and the movie actually made me want to reread it. Both movies were visually stunning. I’d definitely recommend watching them.
Since it’s pretty much the end of April and May starts tomorrow (OMG! It’ll be another month tomorrow!), I thought I’d just share the April and May book releases I’m most excited for. Just so you know, this list will probably be quite sparse. I’m behind on the book-ish news. Therefore, if there’s something you think I need to check out, please let me know!! 😀

2. The Way You Make Me Feel by Maurene Goo (5/8) – This is another “I enjoyed [insert title of the previous book here] from this author and want to read his/her new book.” Plus, I’m loving the Asian representation! Two thumbs up.

4. Listen to Your Heart by Kasie West (5/29) – You just never go wrong with a Kasie West book. I always think she has the best light-hearted, summery reads.
I hope everyone has been doing well. I’d love to know what you’ve been reading! & As always, Happy Reading!! 😀