July has come and gone, and we’re now over halfway through 2020. Thank goodness. July was a tougher month for me. I had a lot of motivation in June to be productive, and then I felt like I hit a low in July. Maybe it was the increase in COVID-19 cases, maybe it was the hurricane that narrowly missed the state by 20-30 miles, maybe it’s the looming fear that our economy won’t bounce back anytime soon, or maybe it’s just me. Regardless I’m hoping August will be a better month. Only time will tell…
Most Anticipated August Book Releases
In terms of books, however, August is a pretty stellar month. Here are some of the books I’m most excited about (Note: All links in this post will take you to Goodreads.):

2. Vanessa Yu’s Magical Paris Tea Shop by Roselle Lim (8/4): I enjoyed reading Roselle Lim’s debut novel Natalie Tan’s Book of Luck and Fortune. I’m excited to see if her next novel is just as good. It does help that I love tea and Paris is a city I’d love to visit again one day.
3. Dating Makes Perfect by Pintip Dunn (8/18): The idea of practice fake dating with the help of your parents sounds absolutely hilarious! I can’t wait to see this idea come to life in Dating Makes Perfect. The Asian American representation is also a plus.
What are you most excited for this August?