Exciting April Releases

It’s APRIL!!! Time sure flies. April is a month FULL OF NEW RELEASES! I feel like publishers must be getting ready for summer, filling the bookshelves with a bunch of new releases for students to read. Oh, how I miss summer… Granted, I do have a vacation coming up in about 1.5 months. YES!! It’s not a relaxing vacation. So I doubt I’ll have much time to read besides on the plane. However, it is my first vacation ABROAD since high school… Man, I’m starting to feel old. HAHA! Anyway, enough about me. On to the books!

1. Alex Approximately by Jenn Bennett (4/4) – I’m really excited for this book. Thus far, I’ve liked books that feature characters that meet online first and end up meeting each other in real life not knowing it’s their online friend. So I have high hopes for this one as well!

2. Letters to the Lost by Brigid Kemmerer (4/4) – I usually stay away from books that seem to be sad. I don’t enjoy crying. Letters to the Lost just sounds like such a touching and deep novel, I just have to read it. Plus I’ve heard many good things.

3. Geekerella by Ashley Poston (4/4) – I’m all for fairytale retellings. I love them! Geekerella also sounds absolutely adorable. I personally have never cosplayed. (It just seems like way too much effort, and I’m not a dress-up kind of person at all.) I do, however, love the whole nerd culture, and I have gotten my friends hooked on things because of it.

4. The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli (4/11) – There are so many good things being said about this book that I think I need to read it. Plus, I’m loving the diversity it’s featuring. I’m also that girl that absolutely HATES the idea of rejection. Ugh. Couldn’t do it and still can’t do it.

5. Alex and Eliza: A Love Story by Melissa de la Cruz (4/11) – Okay, so I totally want to read this mainly because I’m still hooked on Hamilton the musical. I feel like there will be a lot of hype surrounding this book. Will it live up to it, I have no clue, but it’s a Hamilton retelling!

So I know that is far from all of the AMAZING BOOKS being released this month. What are you looking forward to? What should I add to my TBR? Let me know, I’d love to chat!